Blog by Rev. Brown

Weblog by the former pastor of CURC, Rev. Michael Brown.

Congratulations to Christ URC's newest licentiate, Mihai Corcea

This evening, Mr. Mihai Corcea, a member of Christ URC and Master of Divinity student at Westminster Seminary California, sustained his licensure examination by the Consistory. The licensure examination is outlined in Appendix 2 of the URCNA Church Order. The examinee must submit to the Consistory two written sermons for review, and then be interviewed by the Consistory in four areas: his godly walk, commitment to the Reformed faith, his understanding of public worship, and matters of exegetical and homiletical method. If the examination is sustained, the Consistory extends a license to exhort (preach) in the churches of the URCNA. The licentiate's labors are under the oversight of his Consistory.

Mihai sustained this exam with flying colors, demonstrating academic insight, spiritual maturity, and pastoral sensitivity in his answers. Mihai is now able to lead worship and proclaim the Word of God in URCNA churches that invite him to fill their pulpit. This will be an important part of his training and development for the pastorate.

Mihai and his wide, Lidia, are from Bucharest, Romania. They hope to return to their native country after Mihai completes his training and graduates from WSC, and begin the labor of planting a church. You can learn more about Mihai's vision to plant Reformed churches in Romania by visiting his website, Reformation Romania. If you are interested in helping support this important mission, please contact Deacon Bob Gordon at Christ URC.

Michael Brown