Blog by Rev. Brown

Weblog by the former pastor of CURC, Rev. Michael Brown.

Christ URC's Second Annual Conference on the Reformation

Mark your calendars! On Saturday, November 7, 2015, Christ URC will host its second annual Conference on the Reformation. This is a free, one-day conference that provides the community with an opportunity to hear lectures from pastors and theologians, ask questions, and think more deeply about biblical Christianity and what we can learn from the Protestant Reformation.

Last year's topic was the Five Solas (you can listen to the lectures from Dr. W. Robert Godfrey, Dr. Michael Horton, and Dr. R. Scott Clark here.) This year, the topic will be End Times. What does the Bible say to us about the last things? What can we expect? How should we read the book of Revelation? Our two key note speakers will be Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, CA, and author of A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times, and The Man of Sin: Uncovering the Truth About the Antichrist, and Dr. Dennis Johnson (pictured above), professor practical theology at Westminster Seminary California, and author of Triumph of the Lamb: A Commentary on Revelation.

Please remember this conference in your prayers, asking the Lord to use it for his glory and for the edification of his people. And please consider inviting a friend. This is a great opportunity for people in San Diego to be blessed by the light of God's Word, and the way in which He used the Reformation to make that light shine more brightly in the world.

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