Blog by Rev. Brown

Weblog by the former pastor of CURC, Rev. Michael Brown.

Opportunity at CURC to give to the poor and distressed in Japan


At Christ URC this Lord's Day, the deacons will receive a collection for the poor and distressed in Japan that will be part of a contribution to the Diaconal Committee of our sister denomination, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, who has missionaries on the ground in Japan. The OPC's Diaconal Committee has set up a disaster response fund in cooperation with its missionaries in Japan. Whatever is collected by our congregation will be sent as CURC's donation to this worthy cause.

May the Lord have mercy on the afflicted and use whatever we are able to do to that end. (Rom 15.25-26; 1 Cor 16.1-3; Gal 6.10;  cf. Zech 7.9-10; Isa 58.3, 6-7; Ps 72).

Pastor Brown