Blog by Rev. Brown

Weblog by the former pastor of CURC, Rev. Michael Brown.

URCNA missionary in urgent need of support this month


Financial support for URCNA missionary Rev. Andrea Ferrari is in urgent need of help this month. Christ United Reformed Church, whose Consistory oversees the work of Pastor Ferrari, seeks to raise $12,000 each quarter in support of Ferrari. By God’s grace, we met this goal each quarter of 2010.  This quarter, however, we have only received $7938.80 in offerings. This leaves us with a $4061.20 shortfall that still needs to be met before April 1. We pray that the Lord in his providence will provide the needed balance before the end of March. If you are able to help, please consider making an online donation. If not, please spread the word about this need for fellow laborers to help shoulder the burden to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth and make disciples in Italy. 
Rev. Michael Brown
Pastor, Christ United Reformed Church
Santee, CA